Thursday, 29 May 2008

the nature of the regime

it's strange, and then, not so strange.
we're all at our happiest when we're down.
he's praying for a problem -
just so he can say he's got them.
the best stories are the ones with the most tragic endings.
disney never quite got it right.


Wednesday, 14 May 2008


i see the world in papercuts and slow motion.
not a pretty girl. just a sad song that we can never quite remember all the words to.
a face you can't quite recall.
the name you think you might have once heard.
i try and catch the clock at 11:11, just to pray to a god i don't believe in to save this/me/the world.
television shows the minds of our generation destroyed by madness and too many insurance commercials.
maybe they're two of the same.

i guess all i wanted to say today was thank you.
for holding my hand too tight.
for ensuring i always watch my back.
for being the blood under my fingernails.

WE are what we've been waiting for.

still here.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

a working class hero is something to be

your mouth is a cannon, set to fire in my direction.
this is all just practice for you.
strange. this bitch is used to be beaten down -
words go past the line. you know how to shake me up.

i only ever cry over the man i lost -
not the words the one who is left throws into my chest.
this fire is too hot to touch without getting burnt.
they all learn.

Monday, 5 May 2008

i hate knock, knock jokes

i'm sorry, you're a long way from home.
that candle will only take you so far -
it's burning at both ends, and your time is almost up.

knock, knock.
"who's there?"